Applied Innovation and Research in
Vocational Education and Training

AIRinVET Interventions: Discovering Local Ecosystems, Tools and Defining Success Factors

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As the AIRinVET project enters its second year, we're excited to announce the launch of five interventions within the next two months. These interventions are specifically designed to enhance the impact and competitiveness of Applied Research ecosystems, offering unparalleled opportunities for stakeholders to gain insights from our project partners' experiences. To ensure the selection of the most suitable participants for these interventions, we developed the Business Analyst Practicum. This initiative facilitated the identification of adept candidates who will play a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of these interventions and driving the project forward. 


Our journey began with an extensive process of data collection, review, and analysis, drawing insights from 52 VET institutions across 20 countries. Through consultations with our partner institutions in Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, our aim is to validate our findings and identify areas for improvement in current approaches to vocational education and training. The results will be presented on our website from now on.  


Looking ahead, we mark the commencement of the training phase, scheduled till June. This phase will centre on sharing existing methodologies between countries, so called interventions, conducting needs assessments and tailoring bespoke solutions to meet the specific needs of VET stakeholders. This phase closes with sharing insights about experiential learning frameworks established in Canadian colleges. The next will be the evaluation and validation by the project partners, followed by knowledge dissemination through the submission of a comprehensive journal article and articles on our website. 


For an overview of the interventions, have a look on the images below.