Applied Innovation and Research in
Vocational Education and Training

AIRinVET takes part in the EURASHE 33rd Annual Conference

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On 22-23 May 2024, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences hosted the 33rd edition of the EURASHE Annual Conference. AIRinVET was featured at the event during a special breakout session on European-funded projects. 

Each year, the EURASHE Annual Conference explores a new issue relevant to the higher education sector. The 2024 theme “Stronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied Universities" explored the collaboration between universities located in different continents, bringing together over 200 delegates from 30 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East. 

The Conference highlighted examples of transnational collaboration among universities of applied sciences in Europe and beyond, drawing from the European Universities Initiative. 

Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+ at the European Commission, delivered an inspiring keynote speech to kick off the event, while Pedro Teixeira, the former Portuguese Secretary of State for Higher Education, followed with a thought-provoking presentation on the mission of European Universities Alliances. Attendees participated in five plenary sessions that examined various perspectives on transnational cooperation, including policy, partnerships with non-European institutions, and student engagement. 

Moreover, the event featured engaging breakout sessions covering topics such as quality assurance, lifelong learning, applied research, and the impact on local and regional communities. A special breakout session was dedicated to European-funded projects in which EURASHE is involved, including AIRinVET. A member of the AIRinVET team had the opportunity to present the project in front of 40 people, providing an overview of the project goals and most recent outcomes. Participants were also invited to contribute to AIRinVET by providing feedback and comments during the discussion that followed the presentation. 

Finally, AIRinVET was also featured in the Conference 'Dissemination Open Space', a public space where selected stakeholders could feature their visibility materials and thus disseminate the project outcomes with interested passerbys.