Applied Innovation and Research in
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Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Applied Research: Insights from the World Federation of Colleges and the AIRINVET: APPLIED RESEARCH LANDSCAPE IN EUROPE

Presentation by Jone Etxebeste, Tknika  25/04/2024 

In the last World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) applied research affinity group online meeting, educators and researchers from Canada, US, Brazil, Australia, Bali, Tunisia, Basque Country, Netherlands and UK gathered to explore the exciting world of practical research. The event provided a platform for global insights and collaborative discussions on the field. 

The session commenced with a warm welcome, setting the stage for an engaging exploration of applied research landscapes on an international scale. Distinguished speakers shared their perspectives and experiences, shedding light on key initiatives and recent projects shaping the field. 

Michael McDonald, representing Colleges and Institutes Canada, kicked off the session by offering valuable insights into the applied research landscape in Canada. His presentation provided a comprehensive overview of Canada's innovative approaches to applied research and highlighted the transformative impact of collaboration between academic institutions and industry partners. 

Following McDonald's presentation, Sandy Liu, Research Program Manager for New Brunswick Community College, Canada, shared insights into recent applied research projects undertaken at the institution. Liu's firsthand account provided attendees with tangible examples of how applied research is driving innovation and fostering economic growth within local communities. 

The spotlight then shifted to Europe, with Dirk de Wit from the AIRINVET project partnership taking the stage to discuss the applied research landscape in the countries and regions the project has covered. De Wit's presentation offered a glimpse into Europe's rich tapestry of research initiatives, emphasizing the importance of cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange in driving innovation and sustainability. 

The event also marked the launch of the call for articles for the second issue of ARRiVET, a publication showcasing research and innovation initiatives within the vocational education and training (VET) sector.  

Looking ahead, the session concluded with a preview of the upcoming WFCP Congress2024, offering participants a glimpse into future opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the global education community. 

The WFCP applied research affinity group events provide a stimulating platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share best practices, and chart the course for future innovation in applied research. As educators and researchers continue to harness the power of collaboration and innovation, the future promises new horizons of discovery and impact in the field of applied research.